Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Dad's Passing

My dad passed away recently. My hubby took my children and I to pay the last respect to him. 

I didn't tell my children about it until we reached his home. There I saw my dad lying in the casket peacefully. 

It was quite sad as my sons didn't even know who my dad is. They kept asking who is that uncle. 

I saw my stepmom and two step brothers. We didn't talk. Thankfully my aunts and uncles were there too so they spoke with them. 

Like it or not, I left after two hours, proceeding to Penang to celebrate Mother's Day and mom's birthday. However, I finally spoke to my step mom, thanking her for taking care of my dad. 

On the final day, my brother and I came back to his place to send dad in his last journey. I saw my step brother stared at me. I think he might have somethings in his mind. Probably disappointed with me? I don't know. 

Will that be the last time I am meeting them?