Saturday, January 24, 2015

Butterfly Chiffon Cake

Yesterday, I got an order of a cake from my friend. Her daughter is turning three today. 

The little girl asked for a butterfly cake for her birthday. So I made one for her. 

The cake inside is a chiffon cake baked in  a normal round cake pan. It didn't rise as high as the chiffon cake I normally bake using a ring pan. So I made two cakes, cut the dome, and stacked them up together. 

I then filled the cake with some cream, crumb coated the cake and then cut the cake into half. I crumb coated the parts where I just cut. The cake went into the fridge for a while. 

After that, I started piping the butterfly. I first did the top and then the side, followed by its head and body. I used a spaghetti and two pepper gummy sweets to make the antena. Lastly I made the grass. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Chocolate Strawberry Crepe Cake

One day, I saw someone was making crepe cake in the YouTube. It reminded me of my friend, OML. She told me what crepe cake is all about. Yes, I didn't know what is a crepe cake. 

I was determined to give it a try. So after watching the video, I found that making the crepe cake wasn't a hard thing at all as I have been making crepes since young. The only differences are that I didn't stack them up with filling and I didn't add any toppings or decorations. 

So, to make the chocolate crepes, I just had to add some cocoa powder to the better. Great idea. 

So below are the things I used to make the crepes. 
I mixed all these together with a whisk and I started frying the crepes. I didn't let it rest. 

I found that flipping with an offset spatula was easier. After frying, I let them cool on two plates. 

I then made the strawberry cream. These were the things I used. 

I first mashed the strawberries and put it aside. Then I whisked all the other ingredients together. Lastly, I added the mashed berries into the cream and folded. 

How to assemble? 
Assembled the cake by first spreding the prepared cream onto a piece of crepe with a spatula. Then I covered it with another piece of crepe. I continued this process until there was no more crepe left. I then refrigerated the cake overnight. 

The next day...
I decorated the top of the cake with the left over cream from last night. Then I placed some strawberries on top of it. 

Crepe cake ! Anyone?