Monday, March 1, 2010


Teaching young children is always an enjoyable moment for me. I have heard from many of my profesional friends that it is hard to teach our own children. Well, first, we'll have to 'get a fix'! If we see that we are not able to teach our own children, then chances are that we won't be able to do that. Trust me, teaching our own children is not only easy but it is rewarding to the parents as well as the children.

One of the ways that I have attempted on my own children is using the clay, or play dough. Well, how do you use it? For example, we can teach them letters by asking them to form letters using the play dough. Here, we are actually doing a couple of things at the same time. We are teaching our tiny ones the letters, helping them to strengthen their muscles of the fingers, and spending quantity fun time with them!

Below is the recipe I have used to make my home-made play dough. It can make up to 400grams play dough. Not only that it is cheaper, it is also safer and cleaner. When you look at the ingredients used, you don't have to worry much if your child eats it by accident.

1 cup wheat flour
1/3 cup salt
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 cup water
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla essence
Some food colouring

  1. Put all ingredients, except the food colouring in a saucepan.
  2. Use a spatula / spoon to stir until the flour and cream of tartar are dissolved.
  3. Then, cook it on medium heat, stir until the mixture thickens and turn off the fire.
  4. Put the dough in a big bowl and put in some colouring. Knead in the colour.
  5. Store when cool.

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