Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pandan Leaves

This is a common plant found in Malaysia. It is easily planted and very difficult to die, so to speak. Many people use
pandan for two purposes- to get the green colouring and its fragrance.

Since that it is easily planted and the leaves of the plant produce nice fragrance, adding in a few
pandan leaves when cooking rice will give fragrance to our plain white rice. Thus, we do not need to purchase the fragrance rice which is more expensive and high in sugar content. This is a wise way to save money and live healthier, without compromising the taste.

Besides, the smell of the leaves can also keep the
cockroaches away. So why not tie a few leaves into a knot and put the leaves in our cars, cabinets, cupboards and etc. This is a natural way for pest control!

So folks, make use of the plant today!

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