Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year 2016

Today is the first day in 2016. 

The most thing I am thankful for is that through God's mercy, my family and I managed to cross over to 2016. It is so good to be alive. 

However, I will never forget about my beloved paternal grandma who passed away on Malaysia's National day in 2015. In fact, both Kevin and I lost a grandma each this year as his paternal grandma also passed away a few months before my grandma's passing. 

I don't think Kevin's grandma accepted Christ but I strongly believe that my grandma accepted Jesus a week before she passed away. 

Anyway, this morning Kevin and I took our three sons and helper to church to attend the sunrise service in Full Gospel Tabernacle (FGT). 

I like attending the service very much, especially on the first day of the year. 

We had some tim sum for breakfast. 
The siew mai was nice. 

May God bless our family with good health, joy and blessings abundantly this year. 

This is also my hope that we will draw closer to God and will be able to set good example for our kids and guiding them in following God. 

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