Sunday, June 19, 2016

Our Father's Day 2016

Today is the actual Father's Day, 3rd Sunday in June. 

Breakfast was provided by the church as we celebrated Parents' Day today. 

Breakfast served at the church compound. 

Besides, Son 1 and Son 2 participated in a choral speaking item at church today. 

The kids had done well. Bravo! Glory to God the Father. 
I think the kids enjoyed their time on the stage. 

Keep up the good job, children. Do everything as to our LORD. Do your best. 

How We Celebrated Father's Day

Just an update on how we celebrated Father's Day yesterday, a day prior to the actual day. 

I baked a simple round banana cake for hubby. Recently, I intend to reduce the sugar and artificial colouring intake, thus a naked cake was the solution. 

Banana cake with sliced banana and fresh blue berries. 

I printed some mini pennants, stitched them together (my maid helped me in this) and hung them across the cake with the use of two satay sticks. I thought that was simple and sweet. 

As I put on the fruit, I didn't use any cream. I simply placed the fruit on the cake. That way, I could save up time for whipping the cream and some cash too, since my kids and hubby don't really appreciate it. Why waste effort on things they don't like, right? 

Apart from that, we also had a sumptuous meal at Dragon i restaurant. We enjoyed the meal very much. 

Last but not least,  I would like to thank God, my heavenly Father for His blessings on our family. Thank God for a supportive hubby and great dad in the family. 

Fathers' Day 2016

We celebrated Father's Day with the man in the house today instead of tomorrow to avoid the crowd. 

The man himself booked 6 pax at a Peranakan restaurant we had never been as a family. He wanted to give us a surprise. We drove all the way to Pasar Seni for this. 

As we entered the place, we were like "greeted" by two huge, almost as big as a human statues. I was uncomfortable with them, but I thought may be I should just ignore them and get a table away from them. Then Kev pointed to us another big statues right next to our table. 

Wow! Then only I noticed that the whole place was surrounded with human sized statues! We forced ourselves to sit down next to a huge pantinh of a human that looks like a traditional Chinese emporer. To us, the picture too was horrible. 

At this point of time, all of us were seated down reluctantly and cautiously, except our youngest son. He was so scared that he refused to come near the table at all. 

That was at this time that the man of the house finally took us all, leaving the place. He apologised, which I think was very kind of him as I didn't think that was his fault. He booked it out of good intention. I do appreciate that. 

Anyway, because it was a Puasa month, it was hard for us to find a place with lesser crowd. We went to Pavillion, KL but couldn't secure a parking lot. So we headed back to south, ioi City Mall, Putrajaya and had our delicious Fathers' Day dinner at our favourite restaurant - Dragon i. 

Glad that we left and ate st Dragon i. 

These were a few dishes we ordered that came first. I forgot taking photos of the dishes that came after these as we were busy eating. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016


I have been taking avocado for breakfast for a few months. I started taking it for its nutrients. It's packed with lots of nutrients. 

But after taking it for sometimes now, people around me compliment me that my big belly has shrunk down a lot and I have slimmed down too. I didn't know why. I thought I was too stressed over some issues. 

But one day, as I was lying down on the bed, I stumble upon an article about weight loss. Here is the link :

Then it made sense to me about all the compliments from others. 

Here are some of the good bargains I got for avocados recently. 

About a month ago, I bought some avocados at only RM2.45 each. Those are from South Africa, bigger than the Aussie's. 

Then about 2 weeks ago, I got them at RM2.99 each ( They are quite biiig). Yes, from S. Africa too.

Today, I got them at RM1.99 each. These are from Australia, and smaller in size. However, a friend told me that Aus Avocados are creamier. 

Well, my son2 likes it for breakfast too. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Paper Mache - Plate / Bowl

My kids are having a 2-week school holiday. The 1st was spent with their grandparents. Now, comes the 2nd week and our maid is away for a few days. 

My sons wanted to do something I was looking at Google - paper mache. So I decided to guide them doing a bowl each. I guess that's the simplest one. 

1) Select a bowl of choice. 

2) Strip / tear the newspaper. 

3) Wet the newspaper strip and place them one by one, on the back of the bowl.

4) After the whole back of bowl is covered with the wet newspaper strips, start gluing the remaining strips (dry ones) over the wet strips on the back of bowl with homemade glue (Homemade glue recipe). Glue as many layers as you like. The more layer the harder bowl you will get.
(We placed a tray underneath each bowl so that we don't mess the worktop) 

5) Dry bowls under hot sun. 
(We live in a very hot place and it took us about 2-3 hours to dry the paper mache completely) 

6) Remove the paper mache from the mould ( in this case, the bowl ). 

7) Discard also the then wet newspaper strips (now dry). 

8) Cut the edge of the paper mache bowl, then use some small pieces of newspaper to cover the edge to make it smooth. 

9) Dry it again. 

10) Paste one or two more layers of paper pieces of your choice on the paper mache, and in our case, coloured serviette. 
(I find that serviette is more forgiving) 

11) Dry the bowls. I dried them in my air conditioned room and by the time we woke up, the bowls are ready.

These are the bowls my sons have made. 

I hope you will try it for yourselves too. Thank you for reading till now. 

God bless every family.