Sunday, June 19, 2016

How We Celebrated Father's Day

Just an update on how we celebrated Father's Day yesterday, a day prior to the actual day. 

I baked a simple round banana cake for hubby. Recently, I intend to reduce the sugar and artificial colouring intake, thus a naked cake was the solution. 

Banana cake with sliced banana and fresh blue berries. 

I printed some mini pennants, stitched them together (my maid helped me in this) and hung them across the cake with the use of two satay sticks. I thought that was simple and sweet. 

As I put on the fruit, I didn't use any cream. I simply placed the fruit on the cake. That way, I could save up time for whipping the cream and some cash too, since my kids and hubby don't really appreciate it. Why waste effort on things they don't like, right? 

Apart from that, we also had a sumptuous meal at Dragon i restaurant. We enjoyed the meal very much. 

Last but not least,  I would like to thank God, my heavenly Father for His blessings on our family. Thank God for a supportive hubby and great dad in the family. 

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