Thursday, June 9, 2016


I have been taking avocado for breakfast for a few months. I started taking it for its nutrients. It's packed with lots of nutrients. 

But after taking it for sometimes now, people around me compliment me that my big belly has shrunk down a lot and I have slimmed down too. I didn't know why. I thought I was too stressed over some issues. 

But one day, as I was lying down on the bed, I stumble upon an article about weight loss. Here is the link :

Then it made sense to me about all the compliments from others. 

Here are some of the good bargains I got for avocados recently. 

About a month ago, I bought some avocados at only RM2.45 each. Those are from South Africa, bigger than the Aussie's. 

Then about 2 weeks ago, I got them at RM2.99 each ( They are quite biiig). Yes, from S. Africa too.

Today, I got them at RM1.99 each. These are from Australia, and smaller in size. However, a friend told me that Aus Avocados are creamier. 

Well, my son2 likes it for breakfast too. 

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