Saturday, December 14, 2013

Girl Or Boy

After a long break from blogging, I have finally come back. Now I no longer have two sons,but three! Many people have been asking me if I should give it another try to get a baby girl. Some even told me off that I should try for a girl so that there will be someone taking care of me when I am old. I feel all those remarks,though thoughtful, are unfair for me and my kids.

Firstly, God has His divine purpose in giving me three boys. My children are indeed God's blessings, not only for now but also in years to come. They are in fact born smart, handsome and unique. They are very close to my hubby and I. My boys have brought us so much joy! So people that are saying that only having boys is not sufficient are implying that God has got it wrong *grin

Secondly, saying that we must at least have a daughter in order to have someone taking care of us is saying that boys will not take care of their parents. This sounds very unfair for the boys. My boys have never said that they won't. So making such assumption is off-tangent.

So I hope that people out there, if we were to say that we must have a daughter in order to have someone taking care of us, are we trying to imply that daughters are to take care of their own parents and sons have no ability or responsible in doing their jobs in taking care of own parents? Such unfair and without basis statements should never be uttered!

Besides being a parent, we are also someone else's sons, daughters, son-in-laws, daughter-in-laws, and etc. I strongly believe that we have the responsibility to take care of our elderly people. Don't expect only the daughters to to the job. Let's help one another. Well, at least that's what I think.

Just in case you get me wrong, I am not saying that having a girl is not good. I am just saying that whatever that God has entrusted to us is always the best for us.

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