Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Annual Hi-tea

OK ! OK ! I know I like food a lot. Ada rezeki, jangan ditolak. It was our school annual event. We had makan at Marriot Putrajaya. The food tasted good but it would be even better if there were more choices. That does not mean that the food was not enough. I just wanted more !

Forgot to bring my camera... sigh ! Anyway, as I can recall, there were 3 types of fruit, some vege salad, sandwiches, many types of cakes, fish fillets, fried rice vermicelli, fried rice, ais kacang and some other things that I can't recall.

The dress code was santai and so I assumed that a pair of jeans would be appropriate. After all, comfort is all I want, always ! Well, I think I wasn't out of place though. When I am comfortable, that's when I feel secure and confident. Nevertheless there were some ladies who actually go all the way out... They dressed really well.

Below are some photos I got from my friend's camera.

Arrgghhh... can't copy the photos here from facebook.

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