Tuesday, November 16, 2010

She Gave Birth To Me

Ah... it's my birthday finally. I must give praise to the LORD for preserving my life to date and thank my mom Jenifer Ung for have given me a chance to live.

So glad that many people did remember it. My first-born Yoel was happy for me. I came back from work and found that he wasn't there to welcome me. Was being informed that he hid himself in our helper's room, drawing something for me. This, my son is really a little artist. Think he's born with it. Later he presented his masterpiece to me. Was truly proud of it.

Later in the evening, my hubby took me out. Many have recommended that I should give Tao a try and so we did, that night. A friend of mine told that it's a 2 hour buffet. Kevin wasn't happy with it. For him, 2 hours won't be sufficient. Anyway, since it was my birthday, Kevin obliged. We sat down and ordered the food. From abalone to prawns and from prawns to many types of fish. The food was nice with varieties, but most of all it's worth the money paid for. Just after half an hour, Kevin had already raised his white flag. He's full !! That night, we got our stomachs bloated !! Thank God I wore a long cardigan that help me to do some cover up.

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