Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Run! Yosef Run!

15th August 2015 was the school sports day. We were very excited as Yosef was taking part in one of the tele match items- running with a beanbag balanced on the head. 

While waiting for the game. Kids lined up in the hall. 

In action! 

My son's team came in second for that item. 

Both Kevin and I went to school to give support to our son. Of course I was requested to attend as I am working in the school, but Kevin's presence was a great support for him. It shows to our son that we love him so much and what matters him, matters us. We really want to involve in our son's activities. I hope, next time, when he looks back, he will remember that his parents were always with him through thick and thin. 

We love you, son! 

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