Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Salvation is here

Why is grandma in good hands? 

A week ago, we decided to visit my grandma in Penang. Just as we were almost reaching her house, I gave a call and was told by my uncle that they were leaving for Gleaneagles Hospital. So we shifted our destination at once. 

When we arrived at the hospital, grandma was sleeping quite soundly. I waited while chatting with aunt. After quite some time, we slowly woke her up. Grandma was too weak to talk. She was admitted because she couldn't eat or drink. 

Asking her if she knew who I was, she thought for a long time. Couldn't even say my name and was so blur too. 

Then I pulled a chair near her bed when I saw the opportunity arises when my aunt went out from the room. 

I prayed in my heart that God will keep them out from the room. To safe time, I quickly told her in her ears, "Ah mah, I know you remember the gospel I have shared with you. You heard from me in your dreams. I now ask you, do you wanna accept Jesus as your saviour?" No answer from her. I could see that she was thinking. 

I asked a couple of times. Then I realised that she was too weak to talk. No wonder she can't answer me. So I asked her again and said to her that if she agreed to accept Jesus, then blink her eyes. She blinked her eyes once. I got shocked and happy. So to make sure, I asked again (in fact a few more times) and she really blinked a few more times. So I told her if she really agrees with it, she could follow after me, to make the sinner's prayer in her heart. I guided her through the prayer and led her to Christ. 

I was delighted and I looked at her. She looked back at me. At that moment, just through her stare, I knew she recognised me. 

Here, I wanna thank God for the salvation and have taken us back to visit her last week. It was indeed a miracle to be back home last week and it was a surprise too that my aunt who was about to walk near her bed walked out from the room. 

Thank God for my maid and the maid who took care of grandma. They were beside grandma and I throughout the whole sharing. Thank God that they were also praying while I shared with grandma. Thank God for them too that they could be the witnesses about grandma's decision. 

Thank God for answering prayer for sa Christian maid. She told us that she also shared the Gospel with grandma, just as I have prayed for, to have a Christian maid to keep reminding her about the Gospel. 

Last but not least, thank you everyone who have prayed for grandma and us. 

You will never know who will be praying for you. My 3rd uncle's wife told me that she and her sister have been praying for grandma's salvation too. That's why when she heard of the testimony I told her, she rejoiced and praised God for that. 

By the way, today, as I told my aunt Hiang about grandma accepted Christ, she got shocked too. 

But I just leave my family to God. 

May all honour, glory and praises be to our one and only true God who loves us and can save us fro Sheol. 

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