Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Goodbye Grandma

I was told by my aunt that grandma has discharged from the hospital today and her vital organs are seriously not well. Aunt asked us to go home. 

After some contemplating, I decided to go home with my whole family. So we went home after dinner. 

As we were on the way, I texted my aunt asking her to open door for me afterwards as we will be late. Her reply to me was quite slow and she told me that the door will be open till the next morning. I figured grandma could have gone. 

After a few hours, we were approaching grandma's house. I was truly scared, scared of receiving the bad news, even though I could have expected it. I did pray for myself and all that are in the car. Kevin prayed for me too. 

So we finally reached the house and I saw many strangers and a van with its back door open. I told Kev that grandma should have gone. Yes, she's gone. 

Surprisingly, the feeling of fear somehow dissipated when I got down from the car. I believe it was God who was working in protecting me and giving me peace. I think grandma should be in good hands. (Why? I will share about this in my next posting.) 

Thank You God. 

Bye ah mah ! 

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