Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Bread Recipe w/o Tang Zhong or Bread Improver

I have posted a bread recipe w/o bread improver some time ago. That recipe requires tang zhong, which means more work.

Guess it's time for me to post another bread recipe w/o bread improver, and yes, without tang zhong. 

Here is the recipe:

2 tsp   dry yeast
1 cup  warm water
1 tsp   sugar

2 cup   bread flour/high protein flour
  ( some additional flour to add on             if needed)
1 tsp    salt
2 tbsp  olive oil
1          egg

1) Combine ingredients A in a bowl.

2) Add in the water.

3) Cover the bowl for about 10 minutes.

4) Meanwhile, prepare ingredients B in a mixing bowl.

    --sieve the flour and salt--

    --add in the oil--

   --add an egg--

5) Stir the ingredients in the mixing bowl.

6) Now, open the cover of the yeast mixture that you have prepared earlier on.
The mixture should be lumpy.

7) Stir.

7) Knead the mixture into a dough. Add additional flour whenever necessary until you get a dough like consistency.

8) Proof the dough until it is double in size.
     ( sorry forgot to take the photo) 

9) Once it's doubled, punch the dough and cut it into a few parts as you wish. Proof it again.

10) Bake these bread /buns in the preheat oven at 220 degree celcious for about 20 minutes. 

11) Enjoy your bread! 

p/s: you can also make buns in mushroom shape by putting the dough in the cup cake pan and prof. 

Happy trying !!

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