Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Trip to Sweden - Day 2 (27 Nov 2014, Thursday)

We woke up at about four o'clock in the morning. Since we didn't buy the breakfast from the hotel, we lazed around in the room till nearly 7am. 

We walked out from the hotel to look for some food. The weather was cool. I just love it especially knowing that we won't be able to have this kind of weather back home in Malaysia. 

After walking for a while, we saw only a shop that was opened- Mc Donald's ! Ok, I am not a Mc Donald's fan, what more, I am living an example to my kids of not eating from Mc D. However, I went in anyway, as that was the only shop opened and I bet the food could be cheap. Oh yes indeed! 

Each of us ordered some scrambled eggs with bacon. Kevin ordered a cup of cappuccino and I ordered a cup of hot water that was completely FOC. We paid about 60+SEK for the breakfast. 
Breakfast at Mc Donald's 

Then I ate my first bacon in life. Yes it was crunchy, salty and tasted so good. 

After breakfast, we went to Gamla Stan, thinking that we could make use of the time as much as possible. On our way, we saw a shop selling some beautiful bundt tins. I thought of going in but it was still closed. 

We walked and walked. Crossed the roads and crossed the bridge. The weather was cold so we didn't even sweat. It was a cold walk. Honestly, I enjoyed that. 

So we visited the old town and the Christmas market. This is a small market with about 10 or less stalls. We bought a small piece of homemade cheese that cost more than 60 SEK to take home and Kevin ate two banjos (sausage in bun). 

We also paid a visit to the Noble Museum just next to the market. There we bought three packets of toys, one for our sons and two for our brothers' kids. 

We ate Thai food for dinner that night. Mine was seven big shrimps with rice. Kevin ordered a plate of fried rice. The food was not bad. 

Then we went back to the hotel and rested. Actually we were supposed to go to the Ice Bar but we overslept. 😴

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