Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Visit to Sweden - Day 3 (28th Nov 2014, Friday)

Our breakfast was at the same place- Mc Donald's. Yup, we ordered the same food too. 

After breakfast, we walked around the hotel area. There was a tourist market that sells fruits and flowers. 

Tulips and other flowers on sale.


Later in the morning, we went to Djurgarden. It was even a longer walk. We walked along the river to reach our destination. 

On this island, we visited the Vasa Museum. The Vasa Museum displays the salvaged Vasa Ship built during the Viking era. The ship sailed for about 100m and it sank. 

The ship as a whole, from the front.

The ship from the back.

From bottom to the top. 

The small window at the lower deck for canon. 

The lower deck (Similation). The canons are at the windows. 

The anchor

One of the emblems found on the ship. 

Games played by the sailors onboard. 

After the museum, we had our lunch at a Japanese restaurant where we ordered chicken in teriyaki sauce with rice, and shrimp green curry with rice.
Teriyaki Chicken with rice

Shrimp Green Curry with rice

There was a Chinese lady who worked at the restaurant. I am not sure if she is the owner or the worker. We talked to her and found out that she came from China. 

After lunch, we rushed to the Ice Bar around town. We actually made the booking for last night, but we over slept and we missed our visit. So we intended to go there to enter that place. Thank God that the guy was kind to let us in. 

The temperature in the bar was -7 degree Celsius. The ice in the bar was transported from northern side of Sweden. We had to wear a thermal cloak that comes with a pair of thermal gloves. As we enter the bar, there was no one there. I think it's because it was only 3.30pm. How many people would go to a bar during that time? 

Not long after that, a man came in to make us a complimentary cocktail and out he went from the ice bar. I ordered a grape cocktail while Kevin ordered a lingonberry cocktail. Subsequently a few people came in to the bar too. 

We did not spend too much time in the bar as we were in fact in a hurry to meet Zainal, Kevin's ex superior at our hotel. He will be taking us to his house in Kista for dinner. Zainal has been here in Stockholm for almost seven years. He and his family got their PR status since day 1 they were here. 

At his house, his wife has prepared a sumptuous meal for us. There were nasi lemak, ayam masak merah, fried anchovies, fresh cucumber, sambal belacan ala Sarawak and beef curry. She even prepared a cheese cake for us. Crunchy nuts and banana fritters were served too. 

That night, we chatted for quite a while. We talked and discussed about life in Sweden and Malaysia, the human and animal rights in Sweden, school system in both countries, work in Sweden, welfare in Sweden and many more. 

It was an eye opener for me. I thought how good it would be if Kevin were to come here to work so that our kids will get good and  free education until university level. But this is only one side of the coin. How about the moral value that a Christian family should have? It won't be easy for parents to instill good spiritual walk with God in the children. Am I willing to take the challenge? 

That night, the discussion made me think a lot. 

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