Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Trip to Sweden- Day 7 (2 Dec 2014, Thursday)

Kevin and I woke up early in the morning to send David Larsson off. He was leaving for New York at 5:30am. 

We managed to spend some time with David while he had his breakfast that consist of bread with cheese and a cup of orange juice. 

Then the taxi came and pick him up at 5:32am. He left and we said good bye to each other. He left his house to us for a night. I guess that could be the last time we'll be seeing him in person. 

We went to the square sometime later to spend some time there and we had our lunch at another Chinese restaurant just opposite the one we had our lunch a day ago. The buffet was cheaper by 10 SEK.

This was my first serving there. 

The table mat.

View from the restaurant 

After lunch, we went to ICA to have a look of the things there. I managed to convince Kevin to allow me to buy a block of cheese that is awfully cheap- 93Sek for more than 1.1kg of cheese. While I went to buy the cheese, Kevin went to Wayne's Coffee to drink hot chocolate. It seems that Kevin liked Wayne's so much. 

At about 3:15 pm, we came back to David's house and had FaceTime with the kids and my mother in law in Penang. 
My mother in law was so surprised to see that the sky was so dark at 3pm. 

We then had a nap and got ready for dinner appointment with Jonas. Jonas came to fetch us at 5:30pm sharp in his company's Subaru car. 

He just started to prepare the meal just after we arrived at his house. He prepared moose meat for us. Glogg was also served. 

First, he cut away the fat from the meat. Then he marinated the meat with salt, pepper and crushed garlics. After that, he wrapped the moose meat up with two layers of parchment paper, secured with some thread then baked it in the oven. While baking, he cuts some vegetables such as beetroot, carrots, and potatoes to be baked in the oven too. He also prepared some salad to go with the meat. 

Glogg- Jonas boiled the glogg and then added some raisins. 

The moose meat - That was my first moose meat. The moose was very fragrant and delicious. It was also moist and tender. I got a few pieces in fact. So good!
Vegetable salad - spinach, cucumber, tomato

Grill vegetables- only grilled with some olive oil. The beetroot was surprisingly sweet and tasty. It was actually introduced by Jonas' girlfriend and then Jonas cooked that for us.
Julmust- a type of soda drink sold only during Easter and Christmas season. Julmust is the brand of the drink while Apotekarnes is the producer of the main mixture. Apotekarnes sells the mixture to many other companies to make their respective drink. It started as a pharmacy firm then it diversified. Jonas likes it as it reminds him of festive seasons. But I really dislike it. For me, it tasted like cough mixture. Not for me! 

Cloud berries- a type of berry that grows in s swampy area. The taste is unique. Jonas cooked them with some sugar on the stove and then mixed them with vanilla ice cream as desert. 

Of course we chatted quite a lot. Talking about his late father, his 'bionic' girlfriend, his aunt, their friends, Swedish school system, food and many other things. It was wonderful to be able to spend time with an old friend (Kevin's old friend). All in all, we concluded that time really flies. 

found that Jonas was very friendly and nice to talk with. I also learned about something new- snus, and apparently, David takes snus too. 

Snus- the nicotine content is very high. Nicotine is wrap in a small piece of paper.  This small thing will then be placed in the mouth, above the gum. 

According to Jonas, more men than women are addicted to snus in Sweden and there are lesser people into snus nowadays because it is expensive. 

So after the meal and after spending time in talking and chatting, Jonas sent us back to David's. We bid farewell to each other. Again, I guess that could also be the last time we'll meet again in person. But Jonas told Kevin that the next time to meet up will be his turn in Malaysia. We'll see. We'll see then. 


  1. Wonderful experience.
    Looking forward to them visiting us at KL!

  2. We should have buy the cloudberry back home from ICA. Saw em in jam dorm at Arlanda and was super expensive.
