Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Trip to Sweden- Day 8/Day 9 (3-4 Dec 2014)

We called a taxi to take us to Skelleftea Airport at 7:30 am. That 15 minutes taxi ride cost 455 SEK (RM 206). That was awfully expensive.

While waiting for the flight, I didn't know why was I so tired. I slept. I really slept.

The SAS flight was very punctual so I really had to say goodbye to Skelleftea. Looking at Skelleftea from above, I really felt one kind. 

Anyway, after not long, we arrived at Arlanda Airport, Stockholm. Oh ! We had to check out and recheck in our baggages, as we needed to change flight. 

Our next flight was five hours away. Don't like the idea of waiting for so long. Initially I wanted to eat at MAX (Swedish fast food chain) and Kevin said we could eat that later but once we got the baggages, we had already gone way pass MAX. Kevin took me to an Italian restaurant. Here are the food we ordered.
Kevin's meal- Chicken and rice - 120SEK

Mine- Kids Meal -89 SEK

Well the taste is not too bad after all. Only edible, I would say. 

Our KLM flight from Stockholm to Amsterdam departed slightly late because the flight was fully booked and too many people are lining up to board the plane. The plane was so packed that, to be honest, I was depressed because of the limited space. The two children sitting behind me were talking loudly and that made it worse. However I did keep my calm. 

Upon arrival at Amsterdam, Kevin asked me to choose something to buy. I quickly got myself a crystal ball to add to my collection. Kevin bought two mugs. It was only an hour transit so we continued our journey. 

The KLM flight to KLIA was quite empty. I got four seats to myself in a row, two rows away from Kevin's . Kevin also got four seats by the way. That's why we managed to lie down and slept for good few hours. It was superb. I was telling God to give me this type of seats so God actually granted my wish. Thank You God! 

The food provided by KLM was to my liking. We both chosed Briayani Chicken Rice for dinner. 

The chicken and rice tasted warm and nice, just as I had anticipated. Unlike food by AirFrance which I didnt even bother to touch🙊.

Took the photo of apple juice, just for fun. 

Anyway, we touched ground at KLIA after 11 hours. Fooh... At last.

So all together, in order to come back from Skelleftea, we spent more than a day's time. 

It was great coming back to Malaysia. I actually told myself 'Welcome Home, Grace'. 

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