Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Trip to Sweden - Day 6 (1st Dec 2014, Monday)

 Before leaving for Skelleftea, we had our complimentary breakfast and went out to have a walk at about 7:30am. Kevin ot wore a sweater and a pair of jeans. It was so cold (about-5 degree Celsius). Kevin walked for about 10 steps, we headed back quickly for his jacket because it was too cold for him. No wonder as we were walking out from the hotel, people were looking at us. They might be thinking what is this Asian doing out in the cold. Lol!!😂

After Kevin had worn his jacket, off we went to have a walk around the square. There were people setting up stalls to sell stuffs. We went to Umea Monument too. It was a green stature. 
Umea Monument 
The street was still in darkness at about 7:30am. 

We left Umea for Skelleftea at 8:30pm. David Larsson, Kevin's Swedish friend from Skelleftea came to fetch us in his two months old Passat wagon to his house in Skelleftea. 

On the way, we stopped by at Bjuroklubb. It was nice as we could see that Finland is just across the Baltic Sea. Again, the place is scenic and magnificent. 
View on the way up. 

Views at the top. There was also a lighthouse too. 

Upon arrival at his house, David stopped by at Willy:s to buy some breakfast for tomorrow. We took the opportunity to buy some chocolates, Daim and tubes of creams to take home to Malaysia. 
I find it interesting and convenient to have cream in tube.

Later, we went back to David's cozy town house at Ostergatan 12B. His two bedrooms unit was at the ground floor. It comes with a basement store and a garage beside the house. 
Ostergatan Street

David Larsson's house

The hall

The other side of the hall from the sofa area

The room 

The window decoration in the room

The kitchen and dining area 

Shelf beside the entrance to the kitchen. 

The doorway- The toilet is straight ahead. The main door is at the right. The room next to the main door is a small room (David slept there a night before he left for New York. He let us use his main room.). 

Ice cube lamp from Ikea which David placed it just outside the toilet. I thought the lamp was nice and unique. 

Photos taken by Davin on display outside of the toilet. The polar bear photo was taken in Norway, he said. I'm not too sure of where he took the photo of the bird. So these photos really weren't taken by me. 

View from the hall (probably at about 1pm) 

View from the kitchen at almost the same time. 

After putting the luggage and rested for a while, we followed David to his office, Ascom. He said he had something to prepare for his trip the next day. David took his bike and walked with us.

The tunnel we used on the way to Ascom.

At Ascom, Kevin met up with some of his old friends such as Ronny, Maria, Kristofer, Fredric, Fredrik and Jonas. But Jonas was busy on the phone so they couldn't manage to chat even for a while. 

Ascom at Skelleftea

We headed to the square after that. The walk to the square was quite long but we didn't feel the distance because the weather was nice and cooling. 

The bridge we used to get to the square.

We were hungry. We settled down at a Chinese restaurant. 
The first restaurant we went in at Skelleftea during this trip. Kevin had come here before years ago. The owners are Chinese from India, and their daughter who was born and bred in Skelleftea, just came back from Australia after studying there for 10 years. 

Below are some pictures of the square:

After lunch, we went back to David's house for a short nap. I think I was too tired then. 

At night, David took us out for dinner at Nygatan 57. This restaurant only uses Swedish produce for ingregients. We ordered a trout dish and a bowl of pork soup. 

Trout dish that cost 280 Sek

Pork soup that cost 128 Sek. The soup was already separated into two bowls. So this is only half of the size. 

Well the food was superb but it comes with a price though. Thanks David for the food! 

After the delicious meal, we paid Jonas a visit at his place. That was the first time I actually see him face to face. I told him that Kevin took a photo of his back years ago. So I had only seen his back all this while. And he said "so now you have the front as well". Everyone laughed. 

I didn't take a photo of his house but his house is nice and is still under renovation. 

It is a two storey terraced house. There is a kitchen, a dinning area, a toilet, a wash room and a hall on the top floor. There is a sauna in the bathroom down stairs. I didn't pay attention to his room, unfortunately. 

Decoration in his hall

After the short visit, we went home. We each had a cup of tea and David had some bread with cheese too. 

Then David shared with us some of the photos he had taken in Norway. I had shown some of them at the earlier part of this post (remember the bird and the pola bear?) Apparently, David did have a website selling photos and he actually had sold some of them. But the website was crashed. 

We called it a day after we cleaned ourselves. 

"Sleep well."
"You too."



  1. It's Finland at other end of the Baltic ocean.
    Was good to meet old friends!
